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9 months later….

I don’t think I’ve got enough time in my day to blog about why I’ve been silenced by the Police.

October 2023 I was arrested on suspicion of stalking some female who I had never seen in my life apart from when she followed me home and knocked my door. Police invited me in for a voluntary interview which I gladly accepted as I had done nothing wrong. 8pm arrived and I was at my local police station to find out I was under arrest and on way to custody. Police then raided my house at 11:30pm whilst waking my kids to take all my devices (laptops and spare phones) but forgot my server and raspberry pi’s.

During my 20hours behind bars, I was not offered a call to my partner so she was worried sick about me. she had to chase them to find out where I was and questioned where my motorcycle was. They told her it was at my work under CCTV, so my partner made the trip to see if it was safe to find out my bike wasn’t there.

I was interviewed at 2:30pm and had an on duty solicitor with me. She was confused why I was arrested as it seems the female was the one stalking me! Evidence was shown, 1 video of her following me whilst in control of a motor vehicle. I had CCTV footage of her approaching my house and driving past my house on my device they had siezed whilst I was arrested. 5pm the custody Sargent granted me bail with conditions and I was released pending investigation.

I then installed another CCTV and I caught over 30 videos of her approaching my home on a daily basis and even sending her kids/mother down my road. I visited police and opened a case against her, provided evidence. I didn’t hear anything back regarding it and they just kept changing/extending my bail. It caused me and my family so much distress, and was being provoked whilst out.

it was only recently (ish) March when the officer in charge of the case emailed me to say he needs to talk to me regarding the open case. My heart sunk as i was due to answer bail in 18days time, I called him and told me it was NFA! I got off the call and started crying with relief that me and my family can continue with our life!! 7days later I was able to pick up my 2 laptops and 2 phones!!!!

I’m now free to continue with my geek lifestyle and fucking around with servers and general shite. oh if you hadn’t noticed, this website now hosted on alpinelinux. 

I will try to blog more often now ✌️

Dedicated Server RANT!

Well it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted on my blog. Work has been keeping me dead busy and this vps (netbsd) has also been keeping me on my toes.

my rant today is about a dedicated server provider called who I was told they are really good. I purchased a €22 a month server (which they resell from ovh) and had to wait 3days for delivery when it’s instant if I purchase directly from ovh? makes senses to me. After being away from home I was unable to install much due to no computer, upon on return today I requested IPMI access to install debian (yeah java didn’t like me) which failed so I clicked reinstall via control panel and opted for CentOS and after 90 minutes it hasn’t reinstalled and no my server is offline.

The support is very slow (around 11hrs for a response) which is absolutely shocking. I’m debating if they will issue a refund or open a dispute on PayPal. If you are after a budget server I would avoid and choose